
2003年2月行われた全米ソーシャル・ワーク教育協議会(Council on Social Worl Education)主催の学会で、「異文化に対応する能力(cultural competence)についての議論が交わされ、ソーシャル・ワークの実践における「異文化に対応する能力」に関する基準が設けられました。これは非常に興味深いことだと思います。なぜなら、多様化する社会で活躍するソーシャル・ワーカーにとって、「異文化に対応する能力」を身につけることは必至であることを示しているからです。

以下は全米ソーシャル・ワーカー協会(National Association of Social Workers)が隔月に発行している「NASW News」というニューズレターからの抜粋です。






Cultural Competence Standards Endorsed by Education Council

(NASW News Volume 48, Number 4, April 2003, p1)

The Board of Directors of the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) unanimously endorsed NASW's Standards for Cultural Competency in Social Work Practice on Feb. 26 during the CSWE Annual Program Meeting inAtlanta.

Having the standards endorsed by both NASW, which primarily represents practitioners, and CSWE, the educational arm of the profession, enhances the standards' value, said NASW Executive Director Elizabeth J. Clark, who attended the meeting.

Several CSWE board members said they were using the standards in the classroom, Clark reported. "We know they are an important educational component for all social work students," she said.

NASW's National Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity (NCORED), chaired by Clara Simmons of Case Western University, initially requested endorsement of the standards by CSWE. In replying the request to CSWE's board, Clark said that a CSWE endorsement "would help make [the standards'] availability known." The standards were approved by the NASW Boards of Directors in June 2001, making social work one of the first professions to compile standards of cultural competence specific to its practice.

The standards address ethics and values, self-awareness, cross-cultural knowledge, service delivery, empowerment and advocacy, a diverse work force, professional education, language diversity and cross-cultural leadership.

