Youth Developmental Strengths
Understanding Youth Resiliency in Your Community
Resiliency/Protective Factor |
Developmental Strength |
Description/Definition |
Parental Support |
Caring Family |
Family provides a nurturing, caring, loving home environment. |
Family Communication |
Youth can communicate with family openly about issues/concerns |
Adult Family Role Models |
Family provides responsible role models. |
Family Support |
Family provides trust, support, and encouragement regularly. |
Parental Expectations |
Parental Role in Education |
Family is active in providing help/support with education. |
High Expectations |
Family encourages youth to set goals and do the best s/he can. |
Peer Relationships |
Positive Peer Relationships |
Friendships are respectful and viewed positively by adults. |
Positive Peer Influence |
Friendships are trustworthy and based on positive outcomes. |
Community Cohesiveness |
Caring Neighborhood |
Youth lives in a caring and friendly neighborhood. |
Community Values Youth |
Adults in the community respect youth and their opinions. |
Adult Relationships |
Adults try to get to know the youth and are viewed as trustworthy. |
Neighborhood Boundaries |
Neighbors have clear expectation for youth. |
Commitment to Learning at School |
Achievement |
Youth works hard to do well and get the best grades in school. |
School Engagement |
Youth is interested in learning and working hard in the classroom. |
Homework |
Youth works hard to complete homework and assignments on time. |
School Culture |
School Boundaries |
School has clear rules and expectations for appropriate behaviors. |
Bonding to School |
Youth cares about and feels safe at school. |
Caring School Climate |
School environment and teachers provides a caring climate. |
High Expectations |
School/teacher encourages goal setting and to do the best s/he can. |
Cultural Sensitivity |
Cultural Awareness |
Youth has a good understanding and interest in other culture. |
Acceptance |
Youth respects othersf beliefs and is pleased about cultural diversity. |
Spirituality |
Youthfs strong spiritual beliefs/values play an important role in life. |
Self-Control |
Restraint |
Believes that itfs important for him/her to restrain from substances. |
Resistance Skills |
Is able to avoid or say gnoh to people who may place him/her at risk |
Empowerment |
Safety |
Youth feels safe and in control of his/her immediate environment. |
Self-Concept |
Planning & Decision-Making |
Youth is capable of making purposeful plans for the future. |
Self-Efficacy |
Youth believes in his/her ability to do many different things well. |
Self-Esteem |
Youth feels positive about his/her self and future. |
Social Sensitivity & Empathy |
Empathy |
Youth emphasizes with others and cares about other peoplefs feelings. |
Caring |
Youth is concerned about and believes itfs important to help others. |
Equity & Social Justice |
Believes in equality and that itfs important to be fair to others. |
Copyright©2001 by Resiliency Canada,
a non-profit research and educational organization
focused on child, adolescent and family development
as it pertains to resiliency and well-being.