Youth Developmental Strengths
Understanding Youth Resiliency in Your Community

Resiliency/Protective Factor

Developmental Strength


Parental Support

Caring Family

Family provides a nurturing, caring, loving home environment.

Family Communication

Youth can communicate with family openly about issues/concerns

Adult Family Role Models

Family provides responsible role models.

Family Support

Family provides trust, support, and encouragement regularly.

Parental Expectations

Parental Role in Education

Family is active in providing help/support with education.

High Expectations

Family encourages youth to set goals and do the best s/he can.

Peer Relationships

Positive Peer Relationships

Friendships are respectful and viewed positively by adults.

Positive Peer Influence

Friendships are trustworthy and based on positive outcomes.

Community Cohesiveness

Caring Neighborhood

Youth lives in a caring and friendly neighborhood.

Community Values Youth

Adults in the community respect youth and their opinions.

Adult Relationships

Adults try to get to know the youth and are viewed as trustworthy.

Neighborhood Boundaries

Neighbors have clear expectation for youth.

Commitment to Learning at School


Youth works hard to do well and get the best grades in school.

School Engagement

Youth is interested in learning and working hard in the classroom.


Youth works hard to complete homework and assignments on time.

School Culture

School Boundaries

School has clear rules and expectations for appropriate behaviors.

Bonding to School

Youth cares about and feels safe at school.

Caring School Climate

School environment and teachers provides a caring climate.

High Expectations

School/teacher encourages goal setting and to do the best s/he can.

Cultural Sensitivity

Cultural Awareness

Youth has a good understanding and interest in other culture.


Youth respects othersf beliefs and is pleased about cultural diversity.


Youthfs strong spiritual beliefs/values play an important role in life.



Believes that itfs important for him/her to restrain from substances.

Resistance Skills

Is able to avoid or say gnoh to people who may place him/her at risk



Youth feels safe and in control of his/her immediate environment.


Planning & Decision-Making

Youth is capable of making purposeful plans for the future.


Youth believes in his/her ability to do many different things well.


Youth feels positive about his/her self and future.

Social Sensitivity & Empathy


Youth emphasizes with others and cares about other peoplefs feelings.


Youth is concerned about and believes itfs important to help others.

Equity & Social Justice

Believes in equality and that itfs important to be fair to others.

Copyright©2001 by Resiliency Canada,
a non-profit research and educational organization focused on child, adolescent and family development as it pertains to resiliency and well-being.